No matter what exam we are taking, there are certain things we can do in the days before to ensure a successful experience. It makes sense to review what we have learned, but eating well, sleeping, and taking time to relax go a long way, too.
Firstly, beware of our sleep. Even we are in last minute preparation, but it is important to be well rested. Make sure to get a good night's sleep in the few days before the test. If we don't sleep well the night before the test, no need to worry about it. It is more important to sleep well two and three nights before. We should still have the energy we need to perform at our best.
Secondly, in terms of diet. Don't change our diet right before the test. Now's not the time to try new foods, even if they are healthier. We don’t want to find out on test morning that yesterday's energy bar didn't go down well. In the few weeks before the test, try to work a light, healthy breakfast into your daily routine. If we already eat breakfast, it is good for us actually. So, don’t change a thing.
Thirdly, about stress. The long term stress will influence our preparation.
So, Try to be aware of whatever anxiety we're feeling before test day. The first thing to remember is that this is a natural phenomenon; our body is conditioned to raise the alarm whenever something important is about to happen. However, because we are aware of what our body and mind are doing, we can compensate for it. Not only that, we can spend some time each day relaxing. For example, try to let go of all the pressures that build up during our average day. Besides, we also can find a family member or trusted friend with whom we can talk about the things that stress we out about the test. When this person tells us that everything is going to be ok, we should to believe it.
After that, the tips of verbal questions. For passage-based questions, first work on detail questions that we can easily locate the answer to. Then move on to inference questions, questions that ask what the author intended, and main idea questions. If a question involves a tough vocabulary word, we should use the surrounding clues in the text to determine what it means.
Next, about writing questions. It is necessary to remember that a few spelling or grammar mistakes are tolerable, but we want to try to eliminate as many of those as we can. So, we should try to vary our sentence length and word choice. Before we begin to rite, we should spend a few minutes brainstorming ideas and outlining the argument we want to make. Planning will help us to write a well-organized and cohesive essay.
Lastly, in terms of review and preview. Whatever we do, don't cram for the test. It is a bad strategy because we aren't going to remember most of what we "learn" while cramming, and the odds are slim that the few things it will help us to remember will happen to be on the test. It is important to save the energy we would have used to cram for test day. In the few days before the test, we should do a review of the skills and concepts in which we are strong. Be confident as we review everything that we know and remember that confident feeling as we take the test.
source:peterson...aku xkenal die ni sape,but apa yang baik kita ambil dan yang tak baik jangan ikut.the most important is banyak usaha,banyak doa dan tawakal,insyaALLAH kita berjaya..ok guys...wassalam=)
How To Use Multi Window On Samsung Galaxy S8
7 years ago
2 GosiP bErduRi:
sama2 kita berusaha memperbaiki diri dan sama2 belumba-lumba melakukan kebaikan..
mudah2an kita suma berjaya..
wah,bgus yg paling penting tetap juga kna berusaha...dan tawakal,but always study smart
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